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Open House 

September 19, 2024 | Multicultural Center KL. 169 | 4-6 p.m.

The Center for Africana Studies welcomes our UC Merced family and Merced community members to join us at our open house. Delicious food will be provided, and guests will have the opportunity to meet both the co-directors. Join us and learn about future events and opportunities! Scan the QR code to register now! 


Public Health Seminar

March 13, 2024 | COB2-290 | 3:00 p.m.

The Center for Africana Studies is proud to announce its first Public Health Seminar with Dr. Ryan Petteway, Associate Professor with OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. Dr. Petteway's seminar is titled "Resistance, Rememory, & Refusal: Toward a Social Epi of 'Radical Possibility'."





Dr. Brenda E. Stevenson Book Talk

February 23, 2024 | Conference Center 105 | 12:30 p.m.

The Center for Africana Studies is proud to announce a book presentation by Dr. Brenda E. Stevenson, Professor of History and African American Studies at UCLA. This event will be on Friday, February 23, with lunch served at 12:30 pm and Dr. Stevenson’s book talk at 1 pm. Just in time for Black History Month, she will present her new book, What Sorrows Labour in my Parent’s Breast? A History of the Enslaved Black Family
Please register to attend by clicking here.

Open Water: Afroaquatics and History

January 4–7, 2024

The Afroaquatics Project is a collaboration between academics, community organizers, and artists. This project breaks down misconceptions about the relationship between people in the African diaspora and water, swimming, and water sports. Dr. Kevin Dawson showcased this traveling exhibit at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association in San Francisco in January 2024. Read more here


Faculty Author Series: Dr. Shake's New Book

December 6, 2023 | 11:00 a.m.

Dr. Shake's New book, Women's Activist Theatre in Jamaica and South Africa explores the ways in which theatre contributes to Africana feminism, womanism, Black Radicalism, and decolonial thought. She situates the work of Jamaican and South African theatre makers within a gloabl trajectory of women-led movements against sexual violence, reproductive injustice, and racial, gender, and economic oppression.
The firast 15 to register and attend will receive a free copy of the book. Light refreshments will be provided.

Enslaved: A Short Digital History

August 30, 2023 | COB2-295 | 2:00 p.m.