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An interdisciplinary research hub and cultural space at the University of California, Merced.
An interdisciplinary research hub and cultural space at the University of California, Merced.
An interdisciplinary research hub and cultural space at the University of California, Merced.


The Center for Africana Studies brings together scholars, students, members of the broader community in Merced, and invited guests to UC Merced. This interdisciplinary research hub allows our campus and community constituents to discuss, collaborate, research, and engage with the historical and contemporary experiences of Africans and African-descended people around the world. As an inclusive space housed in the School for Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts (SSHA), the Center leads with intellectual curiosity, produces innovative and equitable scholarship, advances restorative justice, and cultivates a sustainable and long-lasting impact at UC Merced and our surrounding communities. 

The Center for Africana Studies builds on the existing synergies in SSHA, which emphasize the study of humanity’s past and present through a critical lens and multidisciplinary analytical framework. As such, this intellectual and cultural space supports UCM faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates interested in advancing innovative and interdisciplinary research on Africa and the Diaspora. A vital component of the Center is to function as a gathering space that allows our Black students and faculty to forge connections, seek fellowship and mentorship, and set the foundation for future generations of leaders, activists, and scholars. 

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